Building WebComponents with Fable - Elmish - React

I see tons of good examples in Fable and build nice web apps with Fable and Elmish and React. But I have a client, which needs to build WebComponents. So I've done some research, it should be possible to build web components with the nice way of Fable Elmish. And it is possible.

But there are some troubles to get t to work. So I write here the Steps to success. Maybe I or someone else can write an extension to Fable encapsulate all the boiler plate stuff.

1. Create new project with the fable-elmish-react app

Create an Fable-Elmish-React Example App with following commands:

dotnet new -i Fable.Template.Elmish.React
dotnet new fable-elmish-react -n mywebcomponent

cd mywebcomponent
dotnet restore

2. Now the importent stuff - now we build a webComponent

After some research, I find out, that you can actually render react stuff in the shadowDOM of a webComponent. In JS style, it looks like:

class WebComponent extends HTMLElement {
    const mountPoint = document.createElement("div");
    const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({
      mode: "open"
    ReactDOM.render(<a href={url}>{name}</a>, mountPoint);

customElements.define('web-component', WebComponent);

So, it should be possible to implement that only for the nice emlish-react stuff.

How would it look like. Something like this:

type WebComponent() =   
    inherit HTMLElement()    
    member this.connectedCallback() = 
        let shadowRoot = createShadowRoot()        
        let mountPoint = document.createElement "div"        
        shadowRoot.appendChild mountPoint
        // Look this familiar? Yes thats basically the code of the App-init-stuff
        Program.mkProgram init update root 
        |> Program.toNavigable (parseHash pageParser) urlUpdate               
        |> Program.withDebugger
        |> Program.withHMR        
        |> initReact mountPoint

CustomElements.define "web-component"

Okay, define a class which inherits from an HTMLElement.

The method connectCallback() is one of the life cycle methods of a webcomponent.

And what we do is run our Program stuff inside this method.

Easy isn't it? Okay, we need some boilerplate stuff. Like "createShadowRoot" or "initReact".

3. The Boilerplate Stuff to translate this into the right javascript

1. HTMLElement()

Fable has already an interface of HTMLElement. But we don't need this. We need an empty abstract class. We need to flag this as global to avoid that this class will be translated.

type HTMLElement() = class end
If we inherit a class from this. Fable will translate this into "class MyClass extends HTMLElement"

2. createShadowRoot()

Here we use Emit to generate the matching javascript code to create a ShadowDOM root. There is also a createShadowRoot() function in Javascript, but the Polyfill for Browsers, that doesn't support custom elements only recognize this function. (Hint: the type ShadowRoot is defined on No. 4)

fsharp [<Emit("this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });")>] let createShadowRoot() : ShadowRoot = jsNative

3. document.creatElement is part of Fable

4. shadowRoot.appendChild

Here is the missing ShadowRoot type. Here we defint one member to append a HTMLElement (The Fable interface, not our placeholder in No. 1)

fsharp [<Global>] type ShadowRoot() = [<Emit("$0.appendChild($1);")>] member this.appendChild (el:Fable.Import.Browser.HTMLElement) = jsNative

5. |> initReact mountPoint

This function will be intiate the ReactDOM.render part. It's a little modified version of the react Program.withReact" function.


// Common for the "lazyView2With" function

open Elmish.React.Common

let initReact mountPoint (program:Elmish.Program<_,_,_,_>) =
    let mutable lastRequest = None
    let setState model dispatch =
                lazyView2With (fun x y -> obj.ReferenceEquals(x,y)) program.view model dispatch,
    { program with setState = setState }

6. CustomElements.define

This one is also an "Emit".

fsharp module CustomElements = [<Emit("customElements.define($0,WebComponent);")>] let define (elementName:string) = jsNative

4. Let's run our code - first try

Before we run our code, we need to modify the index.html in the public folder. Instead of the <div id="elmish-app"></div> we replace this with: <web-component></web-component>

So letzt run this with:

cd src
dotnet fable yarn-start

and goto http://locahost:8080/

And what did we see? An Error in the console:

After some research, we need to link the "custom-elements-es5-adapter.js" library:

So add the following script tag to the head of the index.html

<script src=""></script>

And now. We see some thing, that looks like our elmish app.

But wait, what's happen with the CSS.

After some research, the CSS doesn't leak into the ShadowDOM and vice versa. (The polyfill is maybe an exception to this. But Chrome...)

So what we need is to add our style sheets to the ShadowDOM.

5. Modify webpack.config.js to get a separate css file

At first we need a separate CSS file. Currently it's bundled to the bundle.js.

This is how we change that:

  1. Install "extract-text-webpack-plugin" with
yarn add extract-text-webpack-plugin
  1. now you have to modify the webpack.config.js
var path = require("path");
var webpack = require("webpack");
var fableUtils = require("fable-utils");

// Add these 2 line here !!!
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
const extractCSS = new ExtractTextPlugin('styles.min.css');

// ...
 ... stuff  ...
module: {
    rules: [
        // modify the sass RULE!!! to
            test: /\.sass$/,
            use: extractCSS.extract([                                
plugins: isProduction ? [] : [
        new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
        new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin(),
        // Add these entry to the plugnis array!

After the modifications, you have to restart dotnet fable yarn-start

Now we have our styles.min.css.

6. Add the CSS to the ShadowDOM, so that our WebComponent doesn't look like crap

Inside out connectedCallback function we need to add the CSS link.

After we create the ShadowRoot we put these lines into the method

member this.connectedCallback() =         
        let shadowRoot = createShadowRoot()   
        // Here these 5 lines !!!
        let style = createStyleSheetElement()        
        style.rel <- "stylesheet"
        style.``type`` <- "text/css"
        style.href <- "styles.min.css"

        shadowRoot.appendChild style
        // already in the method
        let mountPoint = document.createElement "div"

Now we had to define some additional boilerplate, so that Fable translate this for us correctly.

Please read the commentaries for further explanations.

// We need an placeholder for the HTMLLinkElement
// the 3 value members will be filled with the needed informations
type HTMLLinkElement() =   
  member val rel : string = "" with get,set
  member val ``type`` : string = "" with get,set
  member val href : string = "" with get,set

// the create function
let createStyleSheetElement():HTMLLinkElement = jsNative

// Extend the ShadowRoot with the second method!
type ShadowRoot() = 
    member this.appendChild (el:Fable.Import.Browser.HTMLElement) = jsNative
    // Extend the ShadowRoot class with this member!
    member this.appendChild (el:HTMLLinkElement) = jsNative

Also add the following line to the index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.min.css" />

The font isn't getting right, if you do not add the styles to the index.html. This is something for further research.

So well ... It's looking nice.

If we go to the Counter and press plus or minus, than nothing will happen. Also if we enter our name on the home screen. But hey, we can navigate.

So what do we do now?

7. The problems with the events inside the ShadowDOM

After some research, again. It's a problem in React in the ShadowDOM. The React Event have to be retargeted.

Lucky for us, Lukas Bombach published a package to fix this error: (Lukas. Thank you:

Here ist the package:

So we have to import that library and run retargetEvents(shadowRoot); after we rendered the react stuff.

At first, we add a new line at the end of our WebComponent class:

let shadowRoot = createShadowRoot()        
let style = createStyleSheetElement()        

... Stuff ...


// Here we fix the problem


Hey, but we should install at first the missing package:

yarn add react-shadow-dom-retarget-events

Now we need some boilerplate, so that our little function will run.

let retargetEvents shadowDom = jsNative

After restart dotnet fable yarn-start, it works like a charm. Pressing the buttons, our webcomponent works as it should.

If you add a new <web-component></web-component> tag in the index.html, you will see, that the web components works independently. With one exception. The navigation is synchronized, because the browser address will be used to navigate.

This (maybe) issue is for another day.

8. The attributes of a web component

As you know, you can also add attributes to a web component.

So the idea is, that we modify the init functions to accept parameter. So we can change the initial state of our component with attributes.

So add this "counter-start" attribute to the web-component tag.

And maybe add a second below that without an attribute. like this:

<web-component counter-start="999"></web-component>

For example the inital start value of the counter.

open the State.fs file and adjust the init function and add a new parameter:

let init counterStart result =
  let (counter, counterCmd) = Counter.State.init()
  // here we set the new counter value
  let counter = counterStart
  let (home, homeCmd) = Home.State.init()
  let (model, cmd) =
    urlUpdate result
      { currentPage = Home
        counter = counter
        home = home }
  model, Cmd.batch [ cmd
            CounterMsg counterCmd
            HomeMsg homeCmd ]

We can also edit the init function of the counter state itself, so that we give the start value to it. But for the demo purppose this little change is enough.

After we change the init function our code has an error.

Back to our App.fs

We add a new line in out web component function ("this.connectedCallback()")

let counterStart = getAttribute "counter-start"

This function gives us the value of the attribute.

As always, we nee some boilterplate to let this function work.

let getAttribute (name:string) : string = jsNative  

In this case I return a string.

We need to parse the string into an int, in order to work as out new init() function parameter.

let counterStart = getAttribute "counter-start"
let counterStart' =
    if counterStart = null then 0 else counterStart |> int

yeah, I know. NULL ! But hey, javascript returns sometimes null. So wrap it in an options or something. For the demo it's enough. (I said that before, or?)

Now we can build a new init function with the new parameter:

let counterStart = this.getAttribute "counter-start"
let counterStart' =
    if counterStart = null then 0 else counterStart |> int

// define a new init function 
let init = init counterStart'

Program.mkProgram init update root 

Now you should see this:

9. Polyfill

At the end I will also add to scripts to the index.html to polyfill the custom elements and the shadowDOM for browsers like Edge or IE, which aren't currently support web components natively.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

10. All together ...

The new State.fs file:

module App.State

open Elmish
open Elmish.Browser.Navigation
open Elmish.Browser.UrlParser
open Fable.Import.Browser
open Global
open Types

let pageParser: Parser<Page->Page,Page> =
  oneOf [
    map About (s "about")
    map Counter (s "counter")
    map Home (s "home")

let urlUpdate (result: Option<Page>) model =
  match result with
  | None ->
    console.error("Error parsing url")
    model,Navigation.modifyUrl (toHash model.currentPage)
  | Some page ->
      { model with currentPage = page }, []

let init counterStart result =
  let (counter, counterCmd) = Counter.State.init()
  let counter = counterStart
  let (home, homeCmd) = Home.State.init()
  let (model, cmd) =
    urlUpdate result
      { currentPage = Home
        counter = counter
        home = home }
  model, Cmd.batch [ cmd
            CounterMsg counterCmd
            HomeMsg homeCmd ]

let update msg model =
  match msg with
  | CounterMsg msg ->
      let (counter, counterCmd) = Counter.State.update msg model.counter
      { model with counter = counter }, CounterMsg counterCmd
  | HomeMsg msg ->
      let (home, homeCmd) = Home.State.update msg model.home
      { model with home = home }, HomeMsg homeCmd

The new App.fs

module App.View

open Elmish
open Elmish.Browser.Navigation
open Elmish.Browser.UrlParser
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.Import
open Fable.Import.Browser
open Types
open App.State
open Global

importAll "../sass/main.sass"

open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props

let menuItem label page currentPage =
      [ ]
      [ a
          [ classList [ "is-active", page = currentPage ]
            Href (toHash page) ]
          [ str label ] ]

let menu currentPage =
    [ ClassName "menu" ]
    [ p
        [ ClassName "menu-label" ]
        [ str "General" ]
        [ ClassName "menu-list" ]
        [ menuItem "Home" Home currentPage
          menuItem "Counter sample" Counter currentPage
          menuItem "About" Page.About currentPage ] ]

let root model dispatch =

  let pageHtml =
    | Page.About -> Info.View.root
    | Counter -> Counter.View.root model.counter (CounterMsg >> dispatch)
    | Home -> Home.View.root model.home (HomeMsg >> dispatch)

    [ div
        [ ClassName "navbar-bg" ]
        [ div
            [ ClassName "container" ]
            [ Navbar.View.root ] ]
        [ ClassName "section" ]
        [ div
            [ ClassName "container" ]
            [ div
                [ ClassName "columns" ]
                [ div
                    [ ClassName "column is-3" ]
                    [ menu model.currentPage ]
                    [ ClassName "column" ]
                    [ pageHtml model.currentPage ] ] ] ] ]

open Elmish.React
open Elmish.Debug
open Elmish.HMR

type WebComponent() =   
    inherit HTMLElement()    
    member this.connectedCallback() =         
        let shadowRoot = createShadowRoot()        
        let style = createStyleSheetElement()        
        style.rel <- "stylesheet"
        style.``type`` <- "text/css"
        style.href <- "styles.min.css"

        shadowRoot.appendChild style

        let mountPoint = document.createElement "div"        
        shadowRoot.appendChild mountPoint

        let counterStart = getAttribute "counter-start"
        let counterStart' =
            if counterStart = null then 0 else counterStart |> int
        let init = init counterStart'

        // Look this familiar? Yes thats basically the code of the App-init-stuff
        Program.mkProgram init update root 
        |> Program.toNavigable (parseHash pageParser) urlUpdate               
        |> Program.withDebugger
        |> Program.withHMR        
        |> initReact mountPoint


CustomElements.define "web-component"

The boilerplate stuff in the WebComponents.fs

module WebComponents

    open Fable.Core
    open Fable.Core.JsInterop
    open Fable.Import
    open Fable.Import.Browser
    open Elmish.React.Common
    open Fable.Import.React

    module CustomElements =    
        [<Emit("var res = customElements.define($0,WebComponent);console.log(res)")>]
        let define (elementName:string) = jsNative

    type HTMLElement() = class end

    type HTMLLinkElement() =   
      member val rel : string = "" with get,set
      member val ``type`` : string = "" with get,set
      member val href : string = "" with get,set

    type ShadowRoot() = 
        member this.appendChild (el:Fable.Import.Browser.HTMLElement) = jsNative
        member this.appendChild (el:HTMLLinkElement) = jsNative

    // import retargetEvents from 'react-shadow-dom-retarget-events';
    let retargetEvents shadowDom = jsNative
    let getAttribute (name:string) : string = jsNative    

    [<Emit("this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });")>]    
    let createShadowRoot() : ShadowRoot = jsNative      

    let createStyleSheetElement():HTMLLinkElement = jsNative

    let initReact mountPoint (program:Elmish.Program<_,_,_,_>) =
        let mutable lastRequest = None
        let setState model dispatch =
                    lazyView2With (fun x y -> obj.ReferenceEquals(x,y)) program.view model dispatch,
        { program with setState = setState }

The new index.html

<!doctype html>
  <title>Elmish Fable App</title>
  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="img/favicon-32x32.png" sizes="32x32" />
  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="img/favicon-16x16.png" sizes="16x16" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.min.css" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <web-component counter-start="999"></web-component>
  <script src="bundle.js"></script>

11. Yeah!

So I hope I could helped someone with this. In my case, I maybe will try to develop this idea any further and mayber I can use it for a customer in the future.

And I hope that I will deploy the code on Github.

If you have any critics, questions or other things, please contact me.
